Fakultät für Architektur und Bauingenieurwesen

La Biennale di Venezia: Stegreif-Reise im Sommer 2022

Der Lehrstuhl AGT bietet dieses Semester wieder einen Stegreif (B.Sc und M.Sc) nach Venedig zur 59. Biennale di Venezia an:

Une  chasse  aux  rumeurs  –  the  city  as a  rumour mill  –  die  Stadt  als  Küche  der  Geräusche  –  geroezemoes  in  de  stad  – pettegolezzi  zvonurile

A  Venice  workshop   29  August  to  03  September  2022,  Biennale  di  Venezia,  Padiglione  del  Belgio, Giardini


This year the Belgian pavilion at the Venice Biennale presents the work of artist Francis Alÿs. The space is inhabited by a series of videos taking the visitors to situations in places as distinct as Mexico, Afghanistan, DR Congo, Hong Kong and Switzerland, among others. They show children performing and playing games: flying a kite in the street, hiding and seeking in abandoned buildings, jumping ropes on top of a roof terrace, rolling down a hill inside a tire.


The videos, as well as the paintings presented in the pavilion, involve the artist's displacement around the world, a registration of how the urban (or non-urban) locations become spaces of performance and creativity. Rules are set and followed, communicated in words or gestures. Associations are formed and dissolved. Few words are spoken, but permanent movements and noises derive from action, establishing various forms of communication between people and with the surroundings. The movement of the players in a deserted town is silent, and the silence has a precise acoustic presence. A swarm of mosquitos creates a buzz that attracts children's attention in Tabacongo, DRC, but also fills the space of the pavilion in Venice.


The pavilion is a site in itself, with its spatial and acoustic realities. It is set in a garden - a public space and, yet, not quite, as an entrance fee is charged. The city outside the limits of the "Giardini" is a landscape and soundscape itself, a rumour mill, a projection plane of noises, movements, and possibilities for play. Through its particular features, it mumbles to its inhabitants and visitors, inspiring them to produce stories and create new meanings that might be provisional and yet, are all the more powerful tacit forms of communication and builders of sense and community.


What are the possible connections between presence, absence, imagination and the spaces in the work of Francis Alÿs? This workshop engages with the Belgian pavilion and the Young Curators Programme, an initiative designed to expose emerging Belgium-based curators, taking the videos of Francis Alÿs as a departing point to think about the experience of the space, the exhibition context and the examination of the city as creative opportunities.




29 August

18.00 welcome to Venice. Meeting point Punta della Dogana


30 August

10.00 – 11.00 Meeting Young Curator Programme fellows, curators Arno Huygens and Badia Larouci. Presentation and discussion of workshop assignment, Campo San Francesco della Vigna

11.00 – 11.30 Forming working groups

11.00 – 18.00 group work in the city

18.00 report meeting, Park Viale Vittorio Veneto, Sant’ Elena



31 August

10.00 meeting the pavilion (with the curators), Giardini (outside the Belgian pavilion)

11.30 – 18.00 site work Biennale

18.00 report meeting, Park Viale Vittorio Veneto, Sant’ Elena


1 September

10.00 – 18.00 site work Biennale and group work

18.00 report meeting, Sala F Giardini (tbc)


2 September

10.00 group work, preparing a presentation

14.00 presentation and discussion, Sala F Giardini

17.00 apéro



3 September

site visit and excursion to Vicenza

zuletzt bearbeitet am: 15.05.2023